The Vampire Diaries

Random Random Random is my nickname so you ever want to post something on my blog and your writing to me, please use the term Random or Miss. Mitchie Random! Thanks!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

R5 (the band)

R5, the newest and hottest band of right now, consisting of five members; so that's what the five stands for in R5. The R stands for the members, Riker, Ross, Rydel, Rocky and Ellington. Now Ellington may not start with R but luckily his last name starts with r. So this band is now complete! It is now Riker, Ross, Rydel, Rocky and now, Ratliff. But anyway, R5 is an amazing band.
But according to, the band is suppose to be releasing an album by the end of the year or they are going into the beginning of 2013. Soo all you Ross lovers out there, just a heads up!

Sign Language

Have you ever seen Switched at Birth? The TV show, not the movie. If you haven't, I suggest you start watching it. But anyway, two of the main characters are deaf which they use sign language to talk to each other. As I was watching it the other day, I noticed how fun sign language is! So I started watching videos on Youtube to learn sign language. Recently, I have learned a ton of words within the few days, like I, you, my name is, the alphabet, numbers-which are pretty tough for me-feelings, names, etc., etc.. But sign language is a very fun language for everyone of all ages. It is really simple for the most part but you may have to watch it a few times to understand it. (If you are thinking about learning sign language, I prefer to use videos by expertvillage and sign language 101.)