The Vampire Diaries

Random Random Random is my nickname so you ever want to post something on my blog and your writing to me, please use the term Random or Miss. Mitchie Random! Thanks!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

New Decor!

I created a new decor for my blog, I hope you like it cause I do! The theme I named it is Sassy Causal! The theme has purple, black, yellow, white and gray! I love the theme like totally! I don't know!


Please don't forget to set back your clocks forward an hour! Spring forward!

The Vampire Diaries Update!

Okay, yesterday night, I was bored and called my sister. Then we started talking about The Vampire Diaries. So I got off the phone with her and looked up some of the episodes that are coming up. Well, the episodes will be in order so like every Thursday from my acknowledge. Um, next week's episode is 1912, then March 22nd's episode is Break On Through, then The Murder of One is on March 29th, then going into April, I don't know the dates but I do know the episode titles which are Heart of Darkness, and Do Not Go Gentle!


Okay yesterday before I went to bed, this kid named Ryan texted me and it was like 9:30. The creepy part is I don't even talk to this kid and he texted me!!! Should I be creeped out! Answer me people. I might even put a poll up just to see what people say! But then my friend Colin texted me and I told him and he just laughed at me!