The Vampire Diaries

Random Random Random is my nickname so you ever want to post something on my blog and your writing to me, please use the term Random or Miss. Mitchie Random! Thanks!!!

Tuesday, March 06, 2012



Jenna Marbles Everybody!!!

So, everybody knows Jenna Marbles. If you don't know her, you're fired. JK! But Jenna Marbles is a blogger and she posts new videos on YouTube every Wednesday and her latest video 'Things Girls Don't Understand About Boys' is really funny. But literally everything she talked about that video is probably true for you gentleman out there. Her blog address is as
follows- I'll post her subscribe button as well. Or better known as channel so which as it being Tuesday today, Jenna should post a new video tomorrow! YEAH!

TCAP-Writing 1/Writing 2

Well, surprisingly TCAP went very well. We did Writing today which was boring! But I might continue to do post like this because I don't have homework!