The Vampire Diaries

Random Random Random is my nickname so you ever want to post something on my blog and your writing to me, please use the term Random or Miss. Mitchie Random! Thanks!!!

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Happy July. . .Kind Of!

Today being the first day of July and the 4th of July in 3 days, I should be excited. Well, no, not exactly! In Colorado-I live in Colorado-fireworks are banned. Which I think is really dumb! Last year, they weren't banned so why are they this year. Plus, I don't think they're doing any firework shows so it's like 'seriously, what the heck?!?!'
Not to mention, I think like two weeks ago, Colorado set a new record heat for Colorado; it was 106 degrees. Plus, we [family] couldn't go swimming because all the indoor and outdoor pools were packed! So I stayed in my house with like 20 fans blowing on me because it was so hot. But, if July is the hottest month, and June has had degrees up to 106, how hot is it gonna be this month? Like 120 degrees?!?!

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